RLG launches fin tech platform for YourDiamondsTM

Annie Hsiao News

As a valued client of RLG and its subsidiary companies, CHOOSE Digital and Blackglass, yourdiamonds.comTM recently launched its first phase of fin tech applications that has solved a number of legacy problems in the $90 billion diamond industry. yourdiamonds.comTM engaged CHOOSE Digital and Blackglass over the past twelve months to develop several unique apps, utilising leading edge technologies, blockchain and the ability to analyse huge amounts of global pricing data in determining the accurate price of a specific diamond in varying markets around the world.

The individual apps allow a customer to create a unique diamond evaluation certificate for insurance purposes, a spot market calculator which can estimate accurately the auction price of a diamond, and finally a wholesale price calculator which will accurately estimate the price of a wholesale diamond. CHOOSE Digital and Blackglass are now working on several larger platform solutions for yourdiamonds.comTM which will continue to transform the diamond industry into the future.