Launching Remedy Drinks online and offline in China.
Business Objectives
- After taking the ANZ market by storm since launching in 2012, and launched successfully in the UK and USA/Canada, China was the next natural progression.
- Roolife Group was selected from a pool of distributor partners, as the Remedy Drinks exclusive master sales & marketing distributor for China. Our mission was to guard and translate the key messages and core brand values through activating the brand digitally, launching online, and then quickly launching the brand into high end supermarkets, coffee shops, bars and restaurants across China.
- Remedy is the leading Australia Kombucha brand, shaking fizzy drinks up around the globe, with over 50% market share across the ANZ Kombucha market and now has sales in 7 countries.
- Neither Remedy or Western style Kombucha is well known in China, so the brand needed to not only penetrvate but also to educate to the consumer.
View the ASX Announcement
View the Case Study
Our Approach
- Looked at market insight and competitor research to find out the SWOT of Remedy in China. Especially research and learnings from another successful beverage brand Bundaberg in China.
- Regularly release high-quality content every month, cooperate with KOL and KOC to promote the brand and improve brand awareness and influence.
- Create brand exclusive labels, tag lines and topics to attract the masses to participate in the topic, so that more people know about the brand & fermented sparking beverages.
- Take TMall cross border flagship store as the first sales channel to see how the China market responds to Remedy Kombucha.
- Engage with our network of large and experienced sub-distributors operating in China.
- Execute on general trade registration based on China’s regulations as a priority.
- Created key official brand account on social media: Weibo, Tiktok, WeChat, Little Red Book and through these and connecting with KOL/KOC we have created 1,000’s of postings with over 2M impressions in the first 6 months
- Attended Auscham, Austrade, CIIE, CFDA (major import/export & F&B events in China) representing Remedy Drinks.
- TMall Cross Border Flagship Store launched within 4 months of project launch. Instant testing ground for all Remedy products.
- General trade first containers of whole-sale regulatory approve goods arrived in mainland China within 6 months of project launch.
- Working closely with our general trade exclusive sub-distribution import partner, we have launched in over 280 high-end points of sale, including super markets, cafés, bars and restaurants, across 10 major cities in China.

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